Ticket valid for 1 year (date of purchase)
Because we all have different tastes and needs, the Angleo Gift Voucher fulfills all dreams!
This voucher is valid for 1 year for all Angleo spaces except the shop.
On presentation of this voucher at the Angleo reception, you can buy tickets and treatments (by booking them in advance).
– Valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
Don’t forget to book the treatment in advance, by contacting us by phone at Tel +33 (0)4 68 04 39 33
Invitations to relax…
Declination of body treatments and massages in several trips…..
6 sensory journeys can be offered to you:
Voyage plénitude en Provence : Miel calisson
Voyage exotique à Madagascar : Mangue exotique
Voyage relaxant en Scandinavie : Feuille verte
Voyage floral en Polynésie : Monoï
Voyage à l’île de la Réunion : Vanille
Voyages aux Antilles : Fruits de la passion
So embark with delight on a unique journey…
Our beauticians have 4 cabins, including a double for your personalized trip. Admission to the Espace Bains is free for a period of 2 hours, for any purchase of a treatment or massage (excluding aesthetics). All our treatments and massages can be practiced in duo in our double cabin (except hot stone massages and Getaway in Polynesia). For all treatments and massages, loan of bathrobe. Our massages are body massages, beauty and well-being treatments, non-therapeutic and non-medical.